Hey all! Internet is so infrequent that I haven't really gotten the chance to update! This month has been a whirlwind! It's so crazy how much need is still in the area, there are still a ton of homes that haven't even been opened since the flood yet and there are so many obviously uninhabitable homes that need to be taken down. Our team has been working with a local organization called Southern Valley recovery as well as Schoharie Area Long Term in hopes of getting to get these two organizations to work together to combine the skilled labor with the funding in order to create an even better recovery. So far, our team has demoed one trailer, demoed a trailer, demoed a trailer, demoed an outside room an porch of a home, took out and replaced a septic tank at our housing and also went into demoing another trailer. Unfortunately we discovered that there is mold under the carpet in this trailer so, abiding by NCCC rules that say we can go into places with mold, I think that we won't be able to completely demo this trailer.
Since we live in the community food pantry, every Monday and Friday we help to bring in the donations from Wal-Mart and every Friday we help to give out the food to people who come to the pantry.
Thursday we went caving for my team leader's birthday! It was fun, but I chickened out at the halfway point (still trying to get over my slight fear of tight spaces heh)
It's starting to get a bit colder here, I'm hoping that I'll be out of the east coast before the snow hits!
My application for FEMA Corps is rolling through, it's a waiting process once again at this point.
I know this isn't as detailed as usual, sorry! Blogging is definitely harder than I originally thought! If I put too much it won't be read, if I put too little I know I'm not describing everything. However if you do have questions, feel free to email me!
Until Then,
<3 Heather G
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